I have been feeling very down lately.... and went to sign up for a few exchanges ! I hope I can meet the deadline !
I'm still stitching but it's not the same. It's like I stitch for the sake of stitching.... there's no joy in it :(
I'm also upset. Very upset with dh. He quit his job of 25 years to start a business and six months later, his business failed and now he is still jobless !
Everyday I dread going to work ..... have to put on a 'front', don't want colleagues to know... try to complete my tasks then go blog hopping, just dreaming ..... I really don't know what I am doing anymore :(
Sorry for reading such unhappiness in my blog :(
I didn't want to put in here but I just have to let off somewhere !
So sorry you are feeling low. I hope things improve soon. Take care.
Please don't apologize, if you can't complain on your blog, where else can you do it? I understand about the lack of joy in stitching, I felt the same when I was model stitching.
You have every right to be upset with your hubby, but he probably felt like he really needed to give his business a chance. I think in most cases it is better to try and fail than to not try and spend a lifetime wondering what would have happened. In your case it is difficult because his choice had effected not only his life but yours as well. It makes the pressure on you even harder... I wish I could say anything to make you feel better but I'm afraid in these times all one can do is put on a good face and carry on with the daily chores.
I hope all will be fine soon.
Life is full of ups and downs. Treat this as part and parcel of life and you will feel better.
I think your husband feel bad of being jobless too. With the current economy, we just have to hold on tight. As for your colleagues, you don't have to tell them if your don't wish too, some may be gossiping away instead of understanding your feeling.
Just relax and do whatever you need to right now. Things will get better. Don't worry and be happy.
Jia You,Jeanie :)
Awww. ***hugs*** Life sucks sometimes. I'm sure things will get better...just hang in there!
I am so sorry that you are feeling down. I hope that you will feel better soon. Life can be very hard at times, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep your chin up!
I know how it feels, Jeanie, I've also experienced the same thing with my DH. Know that this too shall pass ;-) Throw yourself into a project. I started a veggie garden, and my blogging and stitching keep me busy. It's part of life's ups and downs.
{hugs} Pokua
Thank you everyone for your kind, comforting and encouraging words. I am trying not to think too much about everything and pray that things will be better soon.
Every stitcher needs some time off. Take some time off, but not too long. You will get back your mojo.
I guessed, most men in some point of their lives will wanna try out something new, I am sure your DH wanted too and he too hoped that he could provide better for you. As it may be difficult time for you now, I am sure he feels that too, continue to give him your love and support through this difficult time and both of you will work it out. Hang on.
Big hugs
I am so sorry that you are feeling so down Jeanie! I am praying for you and your family.
I have been trying to email you as we are partners in the "Ties the bind x-stitch exchange". If you could please drop me an email moonbugster@gmail.com
Hi Jeanie, hope that you are feeling better by now. Times are bad, but life still goes on, as long as we can meet end needs, there's nothing to fear. Your DH is jobless, but you still have one, no worries. Furthermore, there's lots of help available in Singapore to help DH find a job, kick his butt a little and ask him to go to the CDC.
Try to relax a little, do some stitching. If meeting deadline for your swap is stressful, you may want to let your partner know, I'm sure they will understand.
Sorry your feeling so down.
My Husband was forced into making his business a full-tinme one when he lost his job last year. If he hadn't of had it he would still be jobless, but we have only survived thanks to our savings. Other friends have also lost their jobs this year and are still looking for work. I'm sure your Husband, like many others, isn't jobless by choice.
Try to hang in there and remember the good times will return. When Husband and I are feeling down we just recount all the fun we have had together. It makes us smile, reminds us why we are together and inspires us to keep going.
hallo, I hope things goes better.in my blog there is a "migrant tombola" and if you partecipate maybe a winged hearth will fly to you. big hug and kisses
Cheerup Jeanie! Life is full of up and down, take everything in stride. Continue to support your DH emotionally and spiritually; and your family will come out of this temporary phase as survivors!
A BIG thank you for linking my blog!
Hi Jeanie,
I am totally agreed with Angela. I have had the same feeling like you too, 2 years ago. When my husband decided to leave his job (from the big corporation), I have mixed feeling. I felt angry, sad, being cheated, is like a total life changed. I couldn't imagine how would I bear all the resposibilities of 'taking care' for the house, cars, children, and all the expenses.
But come to think about it who wants to be in that situation. Seeing him suffer from depression, I become strong. Sometime, I feel sad for him too... not a single day he feels restless, guilty, helpless, and finally he went into serious health problem. Never let one mind stay idle.
I feels better when I put myself in his shoe. And I alsways remind myself all the good things he has done for the family for the past years. It is time for a change. Now I realise how tiring is to be a 'husband'.
Why there is only 'housewife; in our dictionary... it sounds a little 'unfair'... would you agree with me? :)
Think positive, support each other mentally, emotionally and spiritually...
Be strong. Always has God in your prayer...
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